Dentist FAQ’S
Q. | Why can’t I call Premier for benefits and eligibility?
A. | Premier is the network of dentists for the insurance carriers;
......we do not have this information here.
......See Exhibit I in this manual for
phone numbers of where to call for benefits and eligibility.
Q. | How do I know which companies use the Premier network?
A. | Exhibit I in this manual has a listing of all Sponsors/Payors
that use
......the Premier network or call Premier and we will
assist you.
Q. | Where do I submit claims?
A. | See Exhibit I for claim payor ID's and/or addresses for mailing
Q. | Do I submit claims with my fees or Premier's fees?
A. | Always submit claims using your office fees. This helps us determine
fees for the following year.
......Submitting claims with Premier fees does not allow
us to see discount levels, which can negatively
......affect your reimbursement levels.
Q. | What do I do if I receive an explanation of benefits with the incorrect
write-off amount?
A. | If you feel a claim has not been processed correctly call Premier
at 763-559-5435 or
......1-800-392-3112 or e-mail EOB to We will help you
......your claim issues.
Q. | Do I use the ID number or the Social Security number when submitting claims?
A. | The insurance carriers will accept either the ID number or the
Social Security number.
Q. | How can I help my patient find a specialist?
A. | You can find a specialist on our web site or Premier at 763-559-5435 or 1-800-392-3112
for assistance.
Q. | How often do you update your fee schedules?
A. | Fee schedules are updated yearly and mailed out in November of
each year in our
......InfoCenter on our website: under the Dentist Tab.
Q. | How do I add a new dentist to our practice?
A. | If the dentist is under the same TIN as the rest of the office
they just need to fill out an
......application. If they are under a different TIN,
we need a contract, application & W-9.
......Forms can be found on line at: under Dentist or call
Premier at
......763-559-5435 or 1-800-392-3112.
Q. | Can I fax or e-mail enrollment material to Premier?
A. | Yes, enrollment material can be faxed to 763-559-8389 or e-mail
Q. | My office has moved locations what do we do?
A. | You can fax changes to 763-559-8389 or email them to
Q. | What is a discount plan?
A. | Discount plans are NOT dental insurance. They are membership plans
in which the
......consumer pays an annual membership fee to join
a plan that offers discounts.
Q. | Do I have to participate in the discount plans?
A. | No, fax or mail your request to Premier to opt out of the discount

Phone: 763-559-5435
Fax: 763-559-8389